König der Turniere
Jousting tournaments, intrigues and a dangerous love!
Historical novel
König der Turniere
"König der Turniere" will be published as a hardcover and e-book on November 2nd, 2023 by PIPER-Verlag.
Like its predecessor, the novel will also be a real eye-catcher visually, with a beautiful, refined cover that is based on the design of "Krone des Himmels", so that the two look great next to each other on the shelf. Additional material such as maps, family trees, a list of people and a glossary will help you to fully immerse yourself in the 12th century.
At the same time as the hardcover and e-book, the audio book will also be published by osterwold/ Hörbuch Hamburg, read again by the wonderful Tobias Kluckert, who also lends his voice to actors such as Joaquin Phoenix, Gerard Butler and Nathan Fillion as a voice actor.

König der Turniere
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König der Turniere
Press reviews
„Praller Historienschinken mit viel Sport und Politik.“
SWR2 „Am Samstagnachmittag“
„Juliane Stadler schafft es auch hier (…) historische Persönlichkeiten und Geschehnisse mit fiktiven Figuren zu verbinden, denen man sehr nahe kommt und die einem diese Ereignisse durch ihr eigenes Erleben vermitteln.“
Mittelalter Digital
„Ein […] im besten Sinne leichtfüßige[r] Abenteuerroman.“
Pola Magazin
„Ein perfekter & fetter historischer Schmöker!“