Krone des Himmels

The debut novel by Juliane Stadler

Historical novel

Krone des Himmels

The novel was published as a hardcover and e-book by PIPER-Verlag and will also be available as a paperback from January 2024.

An audio book version, enthusiastically read by Tobias Kluckert, is available from Osterwoldaudio/HörbuchHamburg as an mp3 or download version.

Crown of Heaven was awarded the Silver Homer for Best Historical Novel in 2021.

Krone des Himmels


In 1189, the craftsman's daughter Aveline embarks on the third crusade in the hope of being absolved of a mortal sin at the Holy Sepulchre. Circumstances force her to pretend to be the archer Avery and to join Barbarossa's army unrecognized. After being injured in battle during the siege of Acre, which Saladin's governor Karakush and his men are passionately defending, she confides in Étienne, a crippled young surgeon. He keeps her secret and they eventually fall in love. But this love puts both in great danger, because the past catches up with Aveline. Soon they have to realize that their worst enemy is not lurking among the Saracens, but within their own ranks.

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"Meticulously researched and grippingly written - Juliane Stadlers medieval epic 'Krone des Himmels' is a historical novel in a class of its own! "

Daniel Wolf - bestseller author

Krone des Himmels

Video reviews

Gabi Siefke presents books that are great gifts.

Marina looks back on her top ten novels of 2021.

Marion Krefting recommends books for the Christmas season.

Astrid Habib presents one of her favorite historical novels.

Krone des Himmels

Press reviews

Westdeutsche Allgemeine

"Finally another great historical novel:› Krone des Himmels ‹by Juliane Stadler has everything you could want for a cozy autumn or winter day and inspires men and women alike."

Die Rheinpfalz

"The author elegantly oscillates between closeness and distance to her protagonists, depicting soulful encounters, tough morals, the medical status of the time, without revealing too much of the novel's content."

Münsterland Zeitung

"In doing so, she describes the deprivations in a captivating and detailed manner and makes it clear which fears the protagonists had." (...) "The captivating and sculptural style of writing makes you feel like you have been transported to the Middle Ages and you can easily empathize with the hardships of this time."

SWR 2 "Am Samstagnachmittag"

„In diese historisch verbürgte Rahmenhandlung fügt die Autorin Juliane Stadler in ihrem Debütroman das Schicksal zweier Menschen ein, die am Rande der Gesellschaft leben und sich neu orientieren müssen. Verhandelt werden dabei Themen, die auch heute aktuell sind: Toleranz, die Rolle der Frau oder der Umgang mit Andersgläubigen.“

WDR 5 "Diesseits von eden"

„Juliane Stadler entwirft ein weites Tableau menschlicher Möglichkeiten, bei dem die einfachen Menschen, die adligen Heerführer und auch die muslimische Seite unter ihrem Sultan Saladin den gleichen Respekt erhalten.“

SWR FErnsehen "Kaffee oder Tee"

„Ihr ist ein Buch gelungen über waghalsige Abenteuer, über Kampf und Liebe, das man nicht mehr aus der Hand legen will.“

DOMRADIO "Der Sonntag"

"The novel tells the story of the third crusade in a vivid and moving manner from different perspectives." 
Der Dritten Kreuzzuges nach Jerusalem: „Krone des Himmels“ – Ein Interview mit Juliane Stadler (Archäologin und Historikerin)

Niederbayern TV

„Ein perfekter Schmöker!“
In der Sendung „Bücherecke“ stellen Tina Bauer und Helmut Degenhart den Roman „Krone des Himmels“ vor. 
(ab Minute 6:00)

"Plea for more humanity"
Schwetzinger zeitung
"Grippingly written, it combines the historical with the romantic."
passauer neue presse
"The Speyer-based author convincingly manages to weave medieval history with a gripping adventure and love story."
hockenheimer tageszeitung